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Further training

Aside from our flagship courses, we recommend and partner with a number of other organisations to deliver a wide range of training, suitable for church members right up to continuing input for experienced church leaders.

Union Learning Community (Bristol)

Union Learning Communities offer the opportunity to pursue theological studies (GDip or MTh) in a local learning community, offering the benefit of robust theological education without the need to relocate. Studies are suitable for those who have already done a Ministry Training Course or similar, but want to go further.

The Bristol Learning Community is hosted by Grace Church Bristol and the Lead Mentor is Nathan Smith(


Crosslands provides excellent in-context theological training and resources for churches and church leaders. Courses can be studied individually through their website and are accessible to anyone. There is also a seminary-level track towards a Certificate or MA, involving a mix of individual study, learning in a local tutor group and participation in residential conferences.

There is a Crosslands Tutor Group in Bristol, led by Neil Todman.

Pastors' Academy

The Pastors’ Academy at London Seminary exists to bring advanced theological study and pastoral care to ministry life, offering options for serious study to enrich ministry. They have a range of study options, from single days to advanced academic programmes, and also offer sermon reviews and one-on-one pastoral care.

Pastors' Academy seminars and Study Days are held in locations across the UK, including in Bradford-on-Avon.