Is it for me?
It is, if you want a year (or two) to learn how to study and teach the Bible, to experience how people of all ages can feed and grow from God's word, to see how a church works from the inside. You may end up in full-time paid Christian work, you may not. But a year as a ministry trainee will equip you for life.
What about money?
Ministry Trainees are students/volunteers. The focus of their time is the learning and experience they gain and will take into their own future ministry. Financial arrangements vary from church to church. Usually, they will therefore receive a training grant/bursary from the church to which they are attached, which is enough for them to live on for the year. In some cases, they may need to raise some of their own support. In many cases churches will provide accommodation, living with a family or sharing a flat with other trainees.
Where can I do it?
Churches in the South West Gospel Partnership that offer Ministry Trainee positions advertise below.